Unlock New Value of Your Data with NLP & Solr Search Solutions

Enterprise search has come a far-reaching way these days with the introduction of innovative breakthrough concepts that have re-conceived the way users interact with search engines. Nowadays, search engines are better fitted out to provide results that are a close match to what the users look for.

As the data begins to grow, insight-driven organizations need to revamp their data supply chains to stay agile and competitive. Utilizing the power of unstructured data is vital to this process. However, 80 percent of all data is unstructured, and it is not going to be an easy task.

Using combined AI technologies like natural language processing, machine learning & search analytics, we can help unravel hidden value within your unstructured data to deliver transformative business outcomes.

We have seen a massive surge in our client's desire to incorporate Natural Language Processing (NLP) with their product and content search, and see you can also benefit from the technology. Integrating NLP with Solr means smarter search results for your users because each token is identified as a "word" rather than "". 

Each word can then be further specified as a verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, etc., which means the search goes beyond just matching keywords; it can search with some context. This proves itself helpful, especially when using adjectives, which are included often by users searching for your products.  

What version of Solr is your site currently utilizing?

Solr has updated its scoring method in the newer versions to BM25 from TF-IDF. BM25 improves the scoring mechanism used to display search results by introducing saturation points. Once the saturation point for a field is reached, additional occurrences are mitigated, resulting in more relevant results for your users.

The beauty of Solr is that it is open source, and there are a plethora of plugins available to enhance and optimize your customers' search experience. Have you heard of SolrReSearcher? It is a Solr Plugin that improves user's search experiences by executing alternate queries when it detects the original queries produced poor or no results. This proves itself helpful, especially when queries include spelling mistakes or typos.

One of the greatest features of using Solr with Hybris is the ability to create search profiles. With Search Profiles comes the ability to create boost rules, promote products, and assign different search profiles to different target groups.

Whether you're seeking an upgrade to a newer version of Solr or optimizing the features you're currently utilizing, Royal Cyber can help. For more information on how this incredible search technology really works or to contact our experts, you can email us at info@royalcyber.com or visit www.royalcyber.com.

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