5 Ways to Create E-commerce Strategy with CRM through Microsoft

Written by Praveen Kumar

Microsoft Business Applications Practice Manager at Royal Cyber

Building your e-commerce Strategy With CRM

In today's digital economy, e-commerce has evolved to play a key role in sales for organizations, both big and small. Online shopping, marketplaces and portals have become more popular, and people shop for things that are exclusively available only in online stores. We believe that e-commerce strategy with CRM can help such companies to create and enhance their customer base, and maybe improve their customer service outcomes too.

Use CRM to Create Loyalty

Integrating your online portal or store to your CRM is probably now a cakewalk. Using the features of a typical CRM to support your customer base is the key to gain a competitive advantage. Loyalty programs and gifting programs are often run from your portal or website if they're integrated together with your CRM. Build key programs that take advantage of customer purchases to bring your customers back for more. Whether its points or its free or extra benefits, consumer psychology is such they would not want to say no. Microsoft Dynamics CRM has come up with some great ideas on how these programs are often built here.

Build Customer Profile Snapshots

Microsoft Dynamics CRM can Profile your customers, collect data, collate then curate to create detailed customer snapshots. What they like, what they hate, what they purchase, and what they save, items they review, and their demographic also as psychographic details. This may help you analyze key trends on what sells, what doesn't sell, whom to sell what, then the way to promote better. Personalized selling has become the order of the day, and for that, knowing the customer is vital to raised strategy. Customer knowledge can assist you in facing out, understanding your customer profile, selling better, and more.

Analyze Buying Trends to Create Better Plans

Integrating Microsoft Dynamics CRM with Microsoft Dynamics e-commerce brings some knowledge that provides answers to questions that companies haven't been ready to answer before. Evaluating customer patterns and buying patterns helps to know the explanations and purpose behind purchases. The info captured through its e-commerce portal into CRM can help determine the customers' varied views and their purchasing patterns, including how demographics and psychographics impact buying patterns. This does not simply stop there. These trends help plan what products, product features, services, upsells, and cross-sells are possible, helping you plan better.

Integrate Social Media to Feel Customer's Pulse

Among other things, today's millennial generation uses social media for practically everything in their lives, including commenting, commemorating, complaining, and interacting with people. Knowing what people are talking about and what they're complaining about is probably the key to raised customer relationships. Microsoft Dynamics CRM can entirely integrate with social media channels to tap in on specific keywords, target trends, hashtags, and words, allowing you to ascertain what the typical customer is talking about. This will be key to better decisions in sales and marketing.

Integrate Complete Chain for Seamless Customer Experience

Microsoft CRM puts all your customer support interactions in one place to log all the customer communication in one place. Which make it efficient with more productive agents and satisfied customers. With a seamless customer experience designed to handle the foremost difficulty of consumers, Microsoft Dynamics CRM is often a key in maintaining effective customer relationships and building customer delight. Royal Cyber provides you with a robust, scalable platform to enhance your business processes with Microsoft CRM. For more information, you can email us at info@royalcyber.com or visit www.royalcyber.com

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