Monthly Defect Closure/Deployment Trend
This widget shows the deployed and closed Defects each month for different sections.
Active Defects State
The widget lists number of currently active Defects in each of the Defect state. It also lets you know the Defects for each section in these states.
Active Defects Section
The widget lists number of active Defects for each section along with the severity of the defects.
Average Days in State for Closed/Deployed Defects
This widget lists average days spent by each Defect in a Defect state for closed/deployed defects.
Average Defect life deployed monthly
The widget shows a monthly trend for Defects closed or deployed in production each month. It provides average life of these Defects.
Delayed Defects
The widget lists all active Defects for which due date has passed. The list is divided by Sections and Defect Severity.
Active Defects Priority vs Severity
All open defects listed with priority vs severity.